99% of world investments are consolidaded in 5 big
CURRENT market, where investor buy and sell moneys.
The BOND market, where investor trades
bonds and their similars, that are lender contrats between companies (or govern) with
investors, generating profits for invetors called interests.
The STOCK market, where investor buy
and sell stocks obtaning a gain in a big market (stock exhange) and, making also profits
in a restrict market (limited players) that are the trade with intrinsical valuation of
companies, projects and modification of companies.
where investor trades standard products like gold, cattle and cotton.
And, finally, the REAL ESTATE market
where investor in general trades with properties like lands, buildings and houses.
Our site support only the needs of the market restricted to
companies (item 3), calculating the Expected Price, being a company, a project
(companies to build) or a modification (fusions, acquisitions, brands, capital
estructure, and others numberless situations).
"Always invest on needies people
without hurting his honor, as in traditional companies which pays high yields" |